Tuesday, November 6, 2012


   The fall time and all holidays that it encompasses has been talked about nonstop for months now. 
I'm finding this year to be the most extreme for many reasons. It's not enough for a store to sell holiday things during the month they occur, now the seasons must be celebrated too. 
   My whole life I thought summertime was what people enjoyed the most. But going back to August I kept hearing about "getting ready for fall" and people actually anticipating it. Why? Seasonal everything. One thing is clothing. Obviously the fashion world prepares for the weather changes and new trends, but now people can't wait to put a sweater on. Think about that.  You want to be so uncomfortably cold you have to put on a sweater? That's what you look forward too? Boots aren't worn when they're needed, they're just a fashion accessory. 
   Another thing that's really being pushed is fall time drinks. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts can now get consumers to come in more frequently with the offer of seasonal drinks. You can get either pumpkin, caramel, or mint flavored chemicals added to your expensive coffee.

   Your home also must be ready for the change. The season offers stores the opportunity to sell an untold amount of decor items. There used to be a time when the only leaves you saw were on the ground, and the only pumpkins were edible ones. This is in addition to all the holiday decor available.

   Media is an aid to commercialism. It's just adapting to this change and giving its support. But now things have become more "social."  Social media can be used for the further outreaching of advertisement in order to get you to buy seasonal stuff. It now comes to you on the most personal level possible Internet-wise.

   I can't help but take note of the degree to which this manifestation of the pervading influence has burst forth upon us. What can be hyped up next?