Monday, May 4, 2015

Everything is Good, Everything is Bad

What do you like? What do you hate? We all look at things differently. Specific things you really need an interest in to care about. A trip to the art museum or café could reveal a discord between friends. 

One of the big things people have a disagreement on is modern art. To the common eye- bad. Is that because the common eye is untrained? Abstract art doesn't have the obvious beauty that a portrait or landscape might. Modern art has an important part in the long and rich history of art. It's not pointless. Believe it or not, there is precision and plan to it. Despite style changing it will always be part of the foundation of art and highly esteemed by some.

Even though coffee is supremely popular around the world, not everyone goes to the same length to achieve a particular taste. Coffee may be nothing more than a $1.19 charge at the McDonald's drive-thru. Extra cream. Five sugars. Would you agree with me if I told you that ruins it? 

Freshly roasted beans ground to the right consistency. Pure water heated to the correct temperature. Proportion of those two together for a certain amount of time.  These are important factors to anyone who's enthusiastic about coffee. Yet something like an expensive burr grinder may seem unnecessary. Forget owning a basic Krups electric blade grinder, a lot of people buy their coffee already ground. Not every friend will be interested in listening to how you're working on improving your brew method. That's okay! Neither the Mr. Coffee user or the guy with a Chemex needs to feel guilty.

As I was watching an anime I wondered- Is really as lovely as I think it is? Or is it childish?
Then I read a comment on it that said "It's anime like this that reminds me why I liked anime to begin with. This one in particular has such vivid imagery and powerful metaphors in its animation. It's no longer anime; it's art in motion with plot." This comment had 657 "likes." So I'm not alone!

Specific types of art, food or T.V shows you enjoy can be influenced by where you live. Since anime is only a big thing in Japan, your friends could see you fascination with it as off the wall. Don't worry. There are others fans somewhere in your country who have started saying "Arigatō" as often as you have.

Can there be a final authority on whether something is good or bad? It's a matter of taste. Not everyone went to art school. Not everyone knows what factors affect the taste of coffee. And anime? Maybe you don't live in Japan. But just because you are disinterested in something doesn't mean it's no good. In order to enjoy certain things you need to have an appreciation for the work and forethought behind it.

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