Friday, December 13, 2013


   Over the years I mentally created a list of things I wanted. Not passing items I saw in a store window. No, they are things I just want deep down. While they are random, there's a thoughts behind each one. Here's what I've found so far. 

{Red Highlighter}

You see every color highlighter out there. Blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, even purple. But no red. Why is that? My only guess is because red is the color teachers often use grade papers. Red corrects the mistakes, it shows the bad, thus landing it with a bad connotation. I went into Staples for the purpose of getting one and was delighted to find they had them. I haven't used any other color since. I guess I'm making up on all the lost time with no red highlighter!

{Red Rain Boots}

Red again! I have one simple reason for wanting red rain boots. I had a pair when I was in the first grade. Ever since I've just wanted them again. You'd think this was a pretty basic color for rain boots but it actually took me awhile to find them in a store. They're very useful for quick outings in the snow too.


It's a shape. It's an instrument. How can you go wrong? I finally got to use one in music class during the 6th grade. I just loved it. While drafting this post I realized I put no effort into getting a triangle. I looked on Amazon and easily got one. It's not symphony quality but it does the job. 


This has to be the number one thing of all time that I've wanted. Who doesn't want to look up into space from their own backyard?  I always go outside when there's a possibility of seeing a space launch or a meteor shower. I did some research and purchased this one a couple weeks ago. I can't say my dream has really come true yet because I haven't tried it out. Being a total amateur make me a bit hesitant about using it. I just have to put the time in and get some astronomy knowledge in my brain. I might do a post in the future on how it goes. 

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